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MtKiscoWines.com takes your privacy very seriously. To help ensure your privacy, we use the most up-to-date encryption technology to keep your personal information as secure as possible. This includes your billing, credit card, and account information. This information cannot be read as it travels to our system.

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise share your personal information with any other company, supplier or distributor. You do not have to worry about receiving unsolicited email from other companies or individuals as a result of shopping at MtKiscoWines.com.

When you place an order, you give us your name, address, phone number, email address and credit card information. By placing the order you authorize us to store this information on our secured servers.

If you would like to receive emails regarding MtKiscoWines.com sales or promotions check the appropriate box during the order and registration process or sign up for our email list on the left-column of our home page. Every email comes with a link to unsubscribe.

Our site may contain links to the websites of other companies. We do this when we feel they are offering valuable services that compliment our products. Because we cannot be responsible for the privacy practices of other sites, we encourage you to read the privacy policies of any sites you visit.

If you have any questions regarding our privacy practices, please contact info@mtkiscowines.com or call us at 1-914-666-5255.

John's Weekly Wines
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Mt. Kisco Wines & Spirits • 195B North Bedford Road • Mt. Kisco, NY 10549
Telephone: 914-666-5255 • Email: info@mtkiscowines.com

© 2009 Mt. Kisco Wines. All rights reserved.
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